SPI Lasers UK Ltd

SPI Lasers is a leading designer and manufacturer of premium Pulsed & CW Fiber Lasers for industrial applications such as welding, cutting, marking, drilling, micro-machining and additive manufacturing. Operations can be carried out faster and more accurately with an SPI Laser for better reliability, less waste and improved productivity. The product portfolio covers countless application process areas across a wide range of industries including automotive, electronics and the medical device sectors. SPI Lasers innovative technology solves manufacturing problems; it moves the boundaries of what is possible, making good products better and enabling new design and innovation.


SPI Lasers is a wholly owned subsidiary of the TRUMPF group and sells its products globally, has its major business operations, including research and development, and manufacturing in the UK, USA and Asia, as well as worldwide sales and customer support.


Drawing on over 40 years expertise, SPI Lasers also provides post-sales technical support, staff training and sample processing in our own specialist applications laboratories.



SPI Lasers (UK Ltd)

6 Wellington Park
Tollbar Way, Hedge End
Southampton, SO30 2QU
United Kingdom


E-Mail: sales@spilasers.com

Website: http://www.spilasers.com

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